2024-2025 Season Information
- Contact Head Coach
- Alex Foti
- Foti.alexander@gmail.com
- Location
Roswell Highschool11595 King RoadRoswell, Georgia, 30075
- Ages
- 7-13
Youth Wrestling Overview

Youth wrestling's primary goal are to build up the wrestler physically, mentally, and emotionally in ways that will have a lasting impact in their lives that goes beyond the sport of wrestling, and to teach the fundamentals necessary to be successful in this sport.
For anything not covered in the sections below please email foti.alexander@gmail.com We encourage you to talk with other parents that have had kids in the program to get feedback about their experience.
How do I register my son?
Currently Closed
What is included for the Registration Fees?
Wrestler Packs (2 shirts, 2 shorts)
Singlet for use (please return postseason)
We also will offer optional backpack and sweatshirt options a la carte
What is not included that parents will need to purchase
USA Wrestling Card for Insurance ~50 (see details below)
Tournament Fees - usually $~20 per wrestler
Wrestling shoes
Amazon and Dick's has Adidas and Asics shoes for around $50
Head gear
This is the recommended Headgear in green, black or white https://www.amazon.com/
Cliff-Keen-Tornado-Wrestling- Headgear/dp/B002Q6RPHM -
The main reason for wearing headgear is to prevent a condition called “cauliflower ear” that is a fluid buildup of the ear that hardens and binds with the cartilage in the ear making a solid benign mass. It is common among MMA fighters and collegiate wrestlers. However It is VERY uncommon for youth wrestlers since the rate and force of contact to their ears is very low.
Entrance to tournaments and home matches for spectators
When Does the Season start and finish?
Mid to Late November - end of January
It depends...our coaches also coach youth football so the start date depends on the football playoffs
We understand boys are finishing fall sports and we are flexible around attendance throughout the season. As an individual sport your wrestler will benefit from attending as many practices as possible.
How often does the team practice?
Practices are Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays 6:15pm to 7:30pm at Roswell High School (RHS). We will release the kids at 7:30pm every practice as we understand how important sleep/schedules are at this age.
Mondays are for 3rd grade and older. 2nd Graders will practice Tuesday and Thursdays
On days where we have a weekday match, we will only practice 2 days a week (i.e. Monday and Tuesday Practice and Wednesday match). We may change this set up depending on the number of returning and new wrestlers sign up
What are the coaches certifications?
All of the coaches have a background check and are USAW wrestling leaders certified or have a copper (youth)/bronze(high school) level coach certification from USAW
What is the team culture?
In wrestling there are several things that are not fully in our control (referees, opponents, winning vs losing, etc.).
Our team will focus on the following principles that are in our control:
Attitude: staying positive, encouraging teammates, showing respect to opponents, coaches and the sport of wrestling
Aggressive Effort: giving full energy and spirit in practices and matches.
Focus: listening and applying the skills that are being taught
Our coaches are incredibly encouraging and passionate about teaching the kids to focus on performance/process and not outcomes. Our goal is to have the wrestlers appreciate the pride that comes from doing their absolute best regardless of whether that results in a win or loss. Our coaches will base the discipline at practices and competitions around these principals.
Coaches are not baby sitters and should not have to manage an unruly member of the team who is disrupting the performance of the other teammates or practice flow.
What are the benefits of wrestling
Mental Toughness
Confidence and Self Defense
Physical fitness, body control and crossover athleticism for other sports
Is wrestling fun?
Absolutely, we end every Tuesday and Thursday practice with games (tug of war, dodge ball, obstacle course races, etc..) and start with a few minutes of dodge ball.
We also use film study from our wrestlers previous matches (another reason why competing can be helpful) to highlight the kids improvement!
Will our kids need to cut weight?
We do not encourage weight cutting.
How do you manage hygiene in the wrestling room?
Wrestlers should come to practice with headgear, wrestling shoes, a clean T-shirt and shorts.
Please have your wrestler shower immediately after practice and competition with an antibacterial soap.
Do not allow your wrestler to participate in practice when they are sick or have skin disease.
Clean T-shirts and shorts are appropriate practice attire.
No jewelry of any kind is allowed.
What insurance or certifications are required?
We require a USA Wrestling Membership before the 1st practice for all wrestlers ~$50
You can follow the link here: https://www.
usawmembership.com to sign up. -
There are two main reasons we require this.
1. All sanctioned tournaments require the wrestler to have a membership number. 2. With the membership there is some liability protection for us as a club and there is medical coverage for your child during practice/competition. You can read more about the policy here. https://content.themat.
com/forms/Insuranceinfo.pdf -
Does my wrestler have to compete?
Since wrestling is an individual sport there is flexibility around when and how often you compete and coaches are happy to talk with each parent about what is right for their wrestler.
We have numerous opportunities to compete if desired and your wrestler will improve most by having consistent competition.